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Munchie Zone

ICS 314 Final Project

Table of contents

About Munchie Zone

Munchie Zone is a meteor application hosted on Galaxy which allows users to combine food orders in order to avoid expensive delivery charges. Users are also able to set their favorite restaurants and sort current orders by restaurants in order to find the perfect meal. Anyone with a University of Hawaii account is able to access this product after logging in. The application can be viewed here.

User Guide

First the user is brought to the landing page, which introduces the website and prompts the user to log in at the bottom of the page. Landing Page Alt text

Upon logging in, the user is brought to the home page. Here, the user can view orders they have created as well as orders from their favorite restaurants. In order to view this page and the others from the following link, one must log in via the landing page and change “user” in the link to their own username. Home Page. Alt text

At the “Your Profile” tab, the user is able to edit their profile in the profile page. This is where the user can input information such as favorite restaurants, dietary information, and contact information. Profile Page Alt text

The order page contains current pending food requests, in which the user can join in on the order. Users can also filter orders by the restaurant. View Order Page Alt text

After clicking an order’s “join” button, the user is directed to the join orders page. Here, they may add items they would like to order alongside other people’s items. Join Order PageAlt text

If none of the preexisting orders appeal to the user, they can create their own order via the create order page. There are various fields that must be filled out so that orders can be filtered by other users and users are able to choose an image to accompany their food order in order to draw other users in. Create Order Page Alt text

Community Feedback

Z. Z.


To Improve

W. M.


To Improve

L. B.


To Improve

T. K.


To Improve

T. L.


To Improve


1) Download a copy of the code which can be found here. 2) Install Meteor 3) cd into the app/ directory and run the following command:

$ meteor npm install

4) Run the code using the following command:

$ meteor npm run start

5) Access the application at http://localhost:3000

Application Design

Directory structure

The top-level directory structure contains:

app/		# holds the Meteor application sources
config/		# holds configuration files.
.gitignore	#

The app/ directory has this top-level structure:

  lib/           # holds Semantic UI files.
  head.html      # the <head>
  main.js        # import all the client-side html and js files. 

  api/           # Define collection processing code (client + server side)
    base/      	# contains Base collection
    interest/	# contains Interests collection
    profile/ 	# contains Profile collection
  startup/       # Define code to run when system starts up (client-only, server-only)
    components/  # templates that appear inside a page template.
    layouts/     # Layouts contain common elements to all pages (i.e. menubar and footer)
    pages/       # Pages are navigated to by FlowRouter routes.
    stylesheets/ # CSS customizations, if any.

node_modules/    # managed by Meteor

  database/      # holds the JSON file used to initialize the database on startup.

  images/        # holds static images for landing page and predefined sample users.
   main.js       # import all the server-side js files.

Import conventions

This system makes use of the Meteor 1.4 guideline. In which, all application code is placed in the imports/ directory, and client/main.js and server/main.js imports the all the directories containing necessary code. The contents of client/main.js:

import '/imports/startup/client';
import '/imports/ui/components/form-controls';
import '/imports/ui/components/directory';
import '/imports/ui/components/user';
import '/imports/ui/components/landing';
import '/imports/ui/layouts/directory';
import '/imports/ui/layouts/landing';
import '/imports/ui/layouts/shared';
import '/imports/ui/layouts/user';
import '/imports/ui/pages/directory';
import '/imports/ui/pages/filter';
import '/imports/ui/pages/landing';
import '/imports/ui/pages/user';
import '/imports/ui/pages/create';
import '/imports/ui/pages/home';
import '/imports/ui/stylesheets/style.css';
import '/imports/api/base';
import '/imports/api/profile';
import '/imports/api/interest';

All imports (except the style.css) invoke the index.js file in the specified directory. Imports are found in either main.js files in client/ and server/ or the index.js files in import subdirectories.

Naming conventions

The following naming conventions are used…

Data model

The Munchie Zone data model currently uses four Javascript classes, ProfileCollection, RestaurantCollection, OrderCollection and InterestCollection. The classes export a single variable that provides access to that collection. To alter Munchie Zone data that uses variables from the collections, uses methods in that collection to get or set data. The ProfileCollection and BaseCollection inherits from BaseCollection class, in which contains functions that can be used for both classes. Both collections also have Mocha unit tests in ProfileCollection.test.js and InterestCollection.test.js.


This application was built using the Semantic UI CSS framework. Its files can be found in app/client/lib/semantic-ui. This framework does not need to be explicitly imported, as it is located in the client/ directory rather than the imports/ directory.


Munchie Zone uses Flow Router to navigate around the app. The router can be found in imports/startup/client/router.js


Users have their accounts authenticated through the University of Hawaii CAS test server. Thus, any user with a University of Hawaii account can access and use Munchie Zone.


The landing page can be accessed by anyone. However, pages that require authorization are the profile, order requests, create order, and home pages. The user must be logged in through the UH test CAS server to be authorized. Template based authorization is used to prevent unauthorized users from accessing private pages; and If_Authorized template is used, which is defined in If_Authorized.html and If_Authorized.js


The config directory contains settings files, namely config/settings.development.json. The directory also contains the .gitignore file, which makes sure that the settings.production file is not uploaded in the GitHub repository. Upon startup if the database is empty, Munchie Zone will load settings.development.json.

Quality Assurance


Munchie Zone includes a .eslintrc file to define the coding style. It can be invoked with the command:

meteor npm run lint

This command outputs the results onto the console.

Data model unit tests

Invoking the script named ‘test’ runs the unit test on the data model. This is defined in the package.json file.

meteor npm run test

Development History

Milestone 1

This milestone started on November 7, 2017 and was completed on November 22, 2017. In it, mockups of the landing, home, profile, view order, and create order pages were created using Semantic UI, HTML, and CSS. Meteor, templates, and FlowRouter were used as well. Issue Driven Project Management practices were also followed. The project’s completed issues can be viewed here.

Landing Page Alt text

Home Page Alt text

Profile Page Alt text

View Order Page Alt text

Create Order Page Alt text

Milestone 2

Milestone 2 started on November 23, 2017 and was completed on December 13, 2017. The goal of this milestone was to improve the quality and functionality of the site and also to implement backend processes such as creating and editing orders as well as filtering out orders by the restaurant. Both Meteor and MongoDB were used to create and edit the various collections on the site, i.e. the restaurant, profile, and order collections. These collections and other backend processes were then connected to the user interface in order to improve functionality. The list of issues for milestone 2 can be viewed here.

Contact Us

The developers of Munchie Zone can be contacted via DM on Slack or via email.